♪ You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout I'm telling you why. A hoard of food is entering your mouth ♪
We are less than 2 weeks away from Christmas! How much are you anticipating those turkey stuffing, ham, eggnog and log cake? Christmas feasts are usually considered one of the highlights of the holiday celebrations, with a wide spread of mouth-watering dishes laid across the table while friends and family reminisce about old memories as they feast. However, consuming an abundance of food in one setting can be considered unhealthy, especially when such foods are made with extra love (i.e. salt and sugar) during the holidays.
So what can you do to eat healthier this holiday season? Read on to find out!
1. Have yourself a merry little… balance
We’re not about to tell you to completely avoid all your favourite indulgent sausages and sinful desserts. Sausages and ham are definitely highly processed containing large amounts of saturated fats, salt and preservatives. Desserts are always full of sugar and butter which are not exactly too healthy for you either. But that doesn’t mean that you must totally abstain from the deliciousness of these foods.
The key here is to eat everything in moderation and have a balanced meal. Taken a sausage or two? Pair them with some vegetable sticks. Want to snack on some chips? How about replacing it with some healthy baked nuts from All Kurma instead.
2. O' Christmas… rule, O' Christmas… rule
♪ I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need ♪
Of course, it is not easy to control and restrain yourself from all the Christmas goodies. The trick here is to set a limit. Give yourself a simple rule to follow. Tell yourself that if you’ve already eaten 2 servings of sweets/desserts for the day, no more till the next.
What’s even more effective is to set this rule with friends and family. It’s always easier to achieve your goals if you have loved ones encouraging and going through the same food ‘restrictions’ together. What’s more, it’s good family bonding!
3. It's the most wonderful time… to start new traditions
Traditions are ritualised and sacred. They are definitely important and they differ in every household. However, this Christmas, there is no harm in trying something new. Start by cooking up healthier dishes by incorporating All Kurma products into your traditional Christmas recipes. Perhaps, this could be a new tradition for your family in an effort to live a healthier lifestyle. Some simple tips to start cooking healthier could be using less salt, sugar and oil, baking instead of deep frying and even substituting the protein containing high saturated fats with another healthier option like white meat.
4. Silent tummy! All is calm! All is bright!
Your stomach shouldn’t be rumbling profusely just before your feast! Even though feasting on an empty stomach might be a good idea to stuff yourself with as much of the goodies as possible, you are more likely to overeat in this manner. Before the meal, have something light like a Masafii Rabbe Date or some Springdale Cottage Classic Trail Mix Nuts so you don’t arrive famished.
This way, you can be ensured that you do not just gobble down the food in a matter of minutes and feel extremely uncomfortable afterwards for overeating. Do also listen to your body and stop when you are full.
At All Kurma, we believe that healthy eating in all seasons is possible with a dash of healthy nuts, dates and smiles from our All Kurma products!
Don’t forget to wish your loved ones a happy & healthy Christmas and New Year with our gift boxes at three very attractive price points prepared specially by our All Kurma elves!